Shortly after midnight on Sunday, March 8th (which is really now Monday the 9th) , the following dialogue took place:
Lindsey: "I think it's time to go to the hospital",
Josh: "Are you sure, I haven't even finished packing the suitcase with a change of clothes yet and my favorite sweats are still in the dryer",
Lindsey: "Are you serious! I don't care about your dumb sweats! let's go noooooowwwwww!",
Josh: "Ok, I'll just grab something really quick and we're on our way".
Lindsey: "Can't you drive any faster, I'm not having this thing in the car!"
Josh: "Honey, just lay back and do that breathing thing, maybe that'll make you feel better, we'll be there soon".
Lindsey: "Don't you tell me what to do to feel better, I'll do what I want!"
Josh: "Yes dear!" No, this was not an episode of I Love Lucy. If you haven't guessed it yet, a few hours after this lovely conversation, our family welcomed a new little baby boy named Mason Daniel. He was 8 lbs 10 oz. Not quite as big as his brother and sister were but still not small by any stretch of the imagination. We were going to be induced the following day on the 10th but Mason decided that he was going to make his appearance a day early. It was weird going into labor by myself since I've never done so before. The other two were induced. I spent most of Sunday telling myself that I wasn't in labor. By midnight the labor pains were not letting me think that anymore (as witnessed by the aforementioned "chat" between Josh and I). It was a very fast and smooth labor. Luckily, I had just enough time to get my epidural! Yeh!

The happy brother and sister.